Wisconsin Wing Summer Encampment

Wisconsin Wing Summer Encampment

The defining cadet experience!

Day 5: Starting Strong is Good …

… but finishing strong is EPIC!

We are working towards the ‘end’. Cadets are working as a team and flights are starting to get everything lined up; uniforms, marching, and barracks. Basic school even spent the afternoon doing parade practice, which is a sign that we are getting close.

Pass-in-Review field practice


Check our Day 5 Newsletter: HERE

Find our awesome photos on SmugMug: HERE


Pass-in-review will begin at 1100 hours (11:00 am), there will be a live Facebook feed from the parade field. Please note, audio is not available for this event but we will do our best to bring you a clear, live feed! You can follow our Wisconsin Wing Facebook page for more information. Visitors will NOT be allowed on base.

Cadets will be dismissed directly after the ceremony concludes. Their items will already be packed and moved to a common area. If your Cadet was previously scheduled to depart Volk Field in a squadron vehicle, those plans should still be in place. Consult with your particular squadron for verification. We do not have squadron specific plans. If a parent/guardian is planning to pick-up a cadet from Volk Field, you will not be allowed on base. Prior to driving up to base security, you will turn right on County Rd C, and proceed to Castle Rock Wayside, following the signs. You will check in with CAP Personnel and they will have your Cadet brought to that area. Pass in Review will conclude at 11:50, please plan to pick up Cadets between 12:00-12:30. A map and specific instructions were sent in parent emails.