Day 6 of the 2023 Wisconsin Encampment is a day for Completion, Conclusion, and Graduation! WCA Cadets gave final presentations, all Cadets stood up for Inspection of Uniforms and Barracks, and everyone participated in a very special graduation ceremony in the afternoon. Congratulations to all Graduates! After the ceremony, it was time for some Rest & Relaxation.
Cadet Development and Promotion is a large part of Encampment and Civil Air Patrol as a whole. Today two cadets were in for a special honor because the CAP National Commander awarded them milestone promotions:
THE GENERAL CARL A. SPAATZ AWARD is Civil Air Patrol’s highest cadet honor. It is awarded to less than 1% of cadets and the importance of earning the SPAATZ AWARD cannot be overstated. It was a very special moment to have Gen. Phelka award a SPAATZ AWARD this afternoon to Cadet Colonel Patrick Dael of the Timmerman Composite Squadron.
Gen. Phelka also awarded the BRIGADIER GENERAL BILLY MITCHELL AWARD, which marks the completion of Phase II and Cadet Second Lieutenant Joshua Vincent is now an officer in the Civil Air Patrol.
Today we recognized final Encampment Honor Cadets:
Wisconsin Cadet Academy (WCA) Honor Cadet: Cadet Second Lieutenant Ericson
Cadet Development Course (CDC) Honor Cadet: Cadet Staff Sergeant Laird
Wisconsin Basic School (WBS) Honor Cadet: Cadet Airman Ojstrsek
We also recognized final Encampment Honor Staff Cadets:
Staff Encampment Honor Cadet: Cadet Major Ruddat
Senior Staff Encampment Honor Cadet: Senior Member Mass
Here’s a link to pictures! Smugmug gallery:
Check out our Encampment Newsletter!
#2023WIWGEncampment #CivilAirPatrol